Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mosafer d' Eid-ul-Fitr...(2005)

Eid Mobarak...our first in Tehran, 2005

The year 2005 was our first Hari Raya we've ever celebrated in Tehran. The first of Syawal 1426 was declared on 3rd of November. It was still a normal working day in Tehran as most Iranian only commenced their first day of Eid the following day. The first program of the day was to perform our Eid prayer with our Indonesian host, Ambassador Bpk Basri Hassanudin and Ibu Rasdiana, followed by the typical Indonesian hospitality at the chancery.
But this is by no mean our first ever Hari Raya away from home. In our 25 years of wandering life, I remember we only had the opportunity to celebrate nine Hari Raya in Brunei, and that was mainly when we were back for good or stationed nearer to home. Ofcourse at times it is hard to endure to be away from families, friends and relatives during such an auspicious day. But I am still convinced behind every sacrifices made there'll always be God's blessings.

listening attentively to the Eid sermon

the spirit of Eid

the khutbah was delivered in Arabic, Indonesian & English

with Ibu Rasdiana & Bpk Dubes, and our Malaysian
colleague and families
Matur Suwon bu atas undangannya...

our senior, amiable and friendly sister from Sierra Leone

selamat hari raya to abang in Cardiff

minal aidin wal fa'idzin

sharing our Hari Raya experience with our staff & familie

our Iranian staff & families

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