Monday, February 8, 2010

Hamedan Revisited...(6)

Lunch at Hamam Ghaleh...
When we left Ali Sadr cave on the second day of our Hamedan trip, we were two hours behind schedule. So lunch was rather a 'high tea' for us. Though we arrived late, we were graciously welcomed by the host of one of the popular traditional restaurants in the city, called "Hamam Ghaleh."
Originally a bath house in the old days, it was converted into a traditional restaurant serving traditional and authentic Persian cuisines such as dizi and all the exotic pickles, stews and of course, chelokebabs. Replicas of masseurs and traditional crafts and decor adorning the interior of the place enhances the cosy and ambience atmosphere of the restaurant.
Later in the evening, we headed towards the Avicenna Sports Complex to join our host for the closing ceremony of the Hamedan Winter Tourism Festival.

majestic mosque with golden dome in the city centre

arriving at Hamam Ghaleh

receptionist cum cashier

elegant interior

traditional and exotic

traditional music performance

traditional Persian massage

enjoying the food and music

at Avicenna Sports complex

welcome remarks from the Hamedan Tourism Head

and an appreciation and gratitude speech from the diplomatic corps

talented local entertainer

the diplomatic guests and delegation

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