At long last, we finally made it to yet another popular local favorite attractions of Tehran - the Niavaran Palace Complex. We had been meaning to visit these beautiful garden and grandiose buildings during the last couple of years. Situated in the northern part of Tehran, it is actually just a stone throw away and I would say within an easy walking distance from our residence. But as the saying goes, so near yet so far. In fact we had been going around this area every now and then but never once bothered to really explore the beauty of this vast 9000 square meters of lush green garden and magnificent complexes.
Much like the Saad-Abad Palace, the Niavaran Palace Complex also consists of several buildings dating back from the Qajar dynasty. The main Niavaran Palace, the name of which originated from the Niavaran garden, was first erected and used by the Qajar king Nasir al-Din Shah as a summer residence. It was later renamed the Sahebqaraniyeh Palace. When it was finally renovated and completed in 1968, it became the primary residence of the last Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the imperial family until the Islamic Revolution.
North of the Sahebqaraniyeh, is the 800 square meters private resting retreat of the child king, Ahmad Shah. Hence called the Ahmad Shahi Pavilion. It was built during the closing days of the Qajar period. After restoration and interior redesigning, the two-storied pavilion was utilized as the residence and office of the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.
Indeed eversince the Islamic Revolution, most of the buildings and complexes had been converted into museums namely the Niavaran Palace Museum, Ahmad Shahi Pavilion, Sahebqaraniyeh Palace, Jahan Nama Museum and the Private Library. Other cultural, historical and natural attractions of the place include the Blue Hall, Private Cinema, Jahan Nama Gallery and the Niavaran Garden.
During our visit, unfortunately some of the buildings such as the Blue Hall, and some museums were either closed for renovation or prohibited from being photographed.
Nonetheless, this is yet another manifestation of Iran's rich cultural heritage and legacy worth visiting while in Tehran.
Mozaffar-ed din Shah
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